Mandate von Lindsey Zohn Parker[EDITORIAL]

3 Mandate gefunden (zeige 1 – 3)

Representation of LNR Partners in $4.2B Debt-Related Modifications and $1.4B Asset Sales Transactions

Debt Modifications
CMBS Loans
Loan Sales
Discounted Payoffs
Deeds in Lieu of Foreclosure
Asset Sales
Largest special servicer of CMBS
Financial (Banking & Insurance)
Real Estate
Real Estate Law & Construction Law
Corporate Law
Banking Law & Finance Law
Member in advising team
United States of America (USA)
Zum Mandat

Representation of Rialto Capital Advisors in assumption of $65M hotel loan portfolio

Hotel loans
Loan assumption
Loan modification
Private investment firm
Real estate transaction
REIT structure
Real estate investment management firm
Financial (Banking & Insurance)
Real Estate
Corporate Law
Real Estate Law & Construction Law
Member in advising team
United States of America (USA)
Private investment firm
Zum Mandat

$74 Million Loan Assumption for CMBS Special Servicer for California Hotel

Loan assumption
Franchised Hotel
Real Estate Financing
CMBS special servicer
Financial (Banking & Insurance)
Real Estate Law & Construction Law
Banking Law & Finance Law
Member in advising team
United States of America (USA)
Zum Mandat
Zusätzliche Informationen

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